I’m Kristi Jensen, a Christian Landscape Artist currently residing in sunny Florida. Although I am a California native, along with my handsome hubby since 1999, three active kiddos and two silly dogs, I consider home to be whenever I’m near them. I love to travel and explore God's creation! I love mountains, lakes, beaches and traveling to new places all while getting lost in a good book or admiring the gorgeous skies above. I savor memories from living and scuba diving in Belize for a period of time and cannot wait to go on life’s next adventures!

I’ve always been an artful soul my whole life dabbling in drawing/painting as a child, through high school and minored in art in college. While I did not pursue art as my original career, art has ALWAYS been a dream of mine to pursue. However, being a teacher for close to two decades provided many opportunities to explore and even teach art in various capacities, so I’m pretty blessed to have had that opportunity to share a love of art with my students / colleagues over the years.

After a horrific car accident in January of 2019 left me unable to return to teaching, I returned to art as a means of therapy. It helps me to process what is happening in my mind, body and soul. It led me to start creating art more deeply again after an almost 20 year hiatus and with an honest voice. Surviving a near death experience changed the way I see my surroundings, others and myself. it has also ignited in me a need to give back and serve others through this work to bring a message of joy, hope and love.

My goal in this work is to capture reflections of Him in every season and landscape … because God’s Light brings truth, grace, freedom and clarity in every season and in every landscape of life.

“Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

John 8:12 NLT


Liberal Studies Major / Art Minor - Fall 1994 San Diego State University

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies; Art & English Minor; Conflict Resolution & Peacemaking Emphasis - 1999 Fresno Pacific University

California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential - 2000 Fresno Pacific University


Owner / Kristi Jensen Art - Established 2020

Art Teacher / 2008-2009 & 2015-2016

Elementary / Junior High Teacher 2000-2019

4th Generation of Family Floral Business

Co-owner of a scuba Diving business 2000-2010